Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving Trip - Part Two

Saturday, November 20, was a busy day for parties.  Prior to our trip, Kylee asked if she could have her birthday party a week early so Papa G and Grandma G (me and Sondra) could be there.  Her birthday is actually on November 29.  So, a party was planned with all her friends and their parents at the new Oklahoma Baptist University center that has an indoor swimming pool.  After swimming and playing, another room was reserved there to host the cake eating and opening of birthday presents.  What a wonderful time and we were excited to be there for it.

After the party, Jace and Kylee actually had other birthday parties to attend so I went back to mom's to visit and relax.  Sondra wnet and spent more "grandma time" with little Macyn.  Shelly's cousin (and her cousin's family) came over to watch the Pay-Per-View UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) fights on TV, as we ate BBQ hamburgers off the grill.  As the others were downstairs, I went upstairs after eating and finished my study and preparation for Sunday.

Sunday morning we picked up mom and went to First Baptist Church of Tecumseh.  Several of the ladies of the class were absent due to sickness or family in town, but we had a very spirited time of discussion about the early church.  I shared my thoughts from Scriputre about the 12 attributes of a healthy, vibrant church on mission for the Lord:  In Acts 2:41-47, we find the following 12 Marks of a Great Church:

1.  A church that experiences salvation decisions with baptisms to follow.
2.  A church that gives instruction through sound Biblical teaching.
3.  A church that has a visible bond between members shown through affection, compassion and ministry awareness.
4.  A church that has informal times of eating meals in homes, as well as observing the meal of the Lord's Supper together.
5.  A church that demonstrates significant and focused prayer times together.
6.  A church that see amazing and miracle-story occurrences among its members.
7.  A church that experiences joyous sharing and giving of finances/possessions for meeting needs of others.
8.  A church that knows harmonious worship at every opportunity of meeting together.
9.  A church that has members feeling contentment with life's provisions with a glad heart.
10. A church that demonstrates dedication with a purpose that is highly visible.
11. A church that experiences a contagious praise and adoration of the Lord God Almighty.
12. A church that has an outstanding reputation for love and the building of personal relationships.

These are all accomplished through the ministries of evangelism, teaching, worship and fellowship.

After church, Sondra and I took a drive to Midwest City to visit our good friend, Patty Murcray.  She is doing well and teaching first grade at a school in Edmond.  She fixed chili and cornmeal pancakes for lunch.  We sat and talked and reminisced for a long time.  It was a precious time of the trip, being with Patty and talking about life.

As we drove back to Shawnee, we called and went by to spend a few hours with my sister and brother-in-law, Marti and Bill Roberts.  They had just finished putting up their Christmas tree and lights for the holidays.  It was a good way to end the day.

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