Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My Friend Jim Murcray

It is still amazing how life can change in a matter of moments.  One minute, life is on a normal course and then, everything changes.

Last week my good friend Jim Murcray went to Urgent Care due to extreme pain.  After some preliminary tests, he was rushed to Emergency and prepped for immediate surgery.  Jim had a perforated colon and toxic stool material had filled one side of his body for several days apparently.

Just a few hours later, Jim was wheeled away for life-threatening surgery.  Four hours later, the doctor came out with somber news.  The surgery went well, but the amount of infection was so great that Jim was given a 50-50 chance of survival.

He only opened his eyes the first morning after surgery.  For the next five days he was so heavily sedated he never opened his eyes again.  Finally, yesterday we got to see him open his eyes again but without any seeming recognition.  This morning he was not conscious again due to increased pain meds.

Jim and his wife Patty were scheduled to move to Tennessee in a few weeks.  In just one turn of events in health, their whole future is on hold.  No long-term decisions can be made.  Everything is done solely by getting through the next day.

This is one of the most basic Biblical truths.  We must live for today.  We have to enjoy and make each day count.  It is important to know that how we face every single day is a powerful statement of what we believe and what we are living for.

That is our greatest test of faith.  What belief system will guide our conversations and activities and relationships?  What do people see in us that gives them hope for today and eternity?  I hope it is Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. Jim Murcray was a great guy! Praying for his family.
