Monday, August 31, 2009

Great Expectations

My message yesterday was titled "Great Expectations." 

From the account in 1 Samuel, we looked at the story of David and Goliath.  All the others in the army of Israel were afraid to face the giant.  Not so with the young man named David.  He had experience with God's presence and power to kill the lion and the bear when he was but a shepherd boy in the field with the flock. 

When Goliath defied the God of Israel, David could stand it no longer.  He said, "I will go and fight the heathen.  My God is greater than any man who defies the Lord."  David went, killed the giant Goliath and the Philistine army ran.

David's great expectation was in the power of a mighty God.  David said, "My God will fight this fight.  It is not mine."  Our expectations in the face of chaos and misery and hurt and challenges and obstacles can only be high if we know God is in the battle to fight for us.

I was reminded, however, that God does not do it alone while we sit idly by.  We must do our part.  David had to pick up the stones and use his sling shot.  God directed the stone, but David was on mission and did what he needed to do too.

Yes, I am an eternal optimist.  God is able.  I will trust him.  Our finances are tight, because of limited income after Sondra's retirement.  We are both looking to find other ways to increase our finances, as we must do our part as well.  However, God has been so good.  A few weeks ago, a man who wishes to remain anonymous gave me a couple thousand dollars to catch up on our bills.  He is also helping us with a down payment for a vehicle.

I have a certain amount of pride and I do not want to manipulate others into helping me, so I do not broadcast our needs openly.  But God knows them and does miraculous things.  Yesterday, a lady gave Sondra some cash to help us out.  At the same time, another lady gave me an envelope with money in it and said, "This is for you."

I continue to be amazed at the amazing goodness of a God who loves me and knows my every need.  He puts it in the hearts of others to bless, and we are so humbled.

My expectations for God's provision is as high as the heavens, as that is where all sufficiency comes from.  You will have various battles and giants to face this week.  I hope your expectations are high as you serve and live for a wonderful Savior.  Trust is the key.  Let us trust fully and joyfully.

When we do, there will be a R.I.O.T. (Revival In Our Time).

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